A brief summary of all the information found in the report.
Contains information about registration history and ownership history.
Search in multiple databases to see if the car is stolen.
Provides a history of the car's mileage.
Discover the service history of the car.
A list of damages the car has had plus photos.
The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique, 17-character code that identifies a specific vehicle. It can be found on the vehicle's body or its documents, usually at the bottom-right corner of the windshield.
A VIN check decodes the data encoded in the VIN at the factory. The best VIN decoders now offer a range of additional features. Every event in a car's history, from production to a salvage or scrap title, is recorded in various registries and databases using the VIN.
Many used car dealers are unwilling to disclose essential information to customers. Statistics show that 30-50% of used cars in the United States are sold with mileage fraud. Additionally, 1 in 6 used cars sold in Europe has a hidden accident. A VIN check can reveal complete information immediately, uncovering what the seller might want to hide: modified mileage, hidden damages, and more.
Ensure every digit is entered correctly. VINs never contain the letters "O" or "I"; they are always numbers "0" or "1."
Vehicle history reports can be free or paid. Free reports usually offer basic data, often limited to information already available in advertisements. In contrast, paid reports provide comprehensive vehicle history and additional details crucial for making an informed decision.
A VIN check can tell you everything you need to know about a car, including the brand, model, country of manufacture, engine power, body type, and other data. It will record data on the car's safety features, manufacturer, model, accidents, technical inspections, previous ownership, and more.
There are two perspectives to consider. For those in the car resale sector, knowing every detail about the vehicles purchased is essential. B2B customers often benefit from special VIN inspection offers. For vehicle dealers, providing a vehicle history certificate enhances customer trust. A comprehensive vehicle history report is an invaluable tool for any second-hand car buyer.
Before buying a vehicle, make sure to perform a VIN lookup!
It's from 2015, boss... it has 47,500 km, it's been driven very little! Come see it today, because I have 3 other guys who want to buy it!
Enter the VIN and get a vehicle history report
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